Intuitive Counselling/Coaching professional training
This training gives the opportunity to take Counselling/Coaching and Self Development to a highly advanced level. It is for those who wish to help themselves and others effect positive and life enhancing changes: to assist their individual growth and personal development in every way. Students may develop an Intuitive Counselling/Coaching practice, take the Intuitive Counselling/Coaching skills and way of life into their work (e.g. teaching, therapy, personnel, business management or health care) or take the Course as part of a personal Self Development programme. We see Intuitive Counselling/Coaching as an intuitive art, requiring a great depth of wisdom, understanding and unconditional love.
Emphasis will first be placed on deepening the intuitive awareness of students, on learning ways of identifying the subtle ego and its reactions, and on releasing conditioning and emotional preferences. Only those who desire progress within themselves will be able to assist with Intuitive Counselling/Coaching in others; for this counselling is healing in a very deep and real sense, touching the spiritual as well as the physical, emotional and mental levels.
Intuitive Counselling/Coaching helps to put both practitioner and client/patient/colleague in touch with their own uniqueness. It goes beyond format, rules and designated stages, to freedom, self-discipline, self responsibility and universal truths. It is a profound way to connect with inner direction, choice, and unconditional acceptance of self/others.
Training will be carefully paced and monitored by the Tutors, with the individual’s progress very much in mind. The Course will consist of seven intensive training models of 5 days per module: three modules in the first year, three modules in the second year, with a final Assessment module in the third year. Assignments, both written and practical, will be set in the intervening periods. Ongoing support from the Tutors will be available during the Course and afterwards, as necessary.
1. Why do you want to be an Intuitive Counsellor/Coach?
2. Are you prepared to love all equally, i.e. not to discriminate in any way regarding for example race, religion, financial position, or the presenting illness?
3. Are you prepared to accept what comes up and look at yourself?
4. Are they prepared to be guided by your Intuitive Counselling/Coaching Teachers?
5. Students are required to complete an application form and to inform their Teacher of any changes in their circumstances/situation which may affect their energy or application on the Course, so that the Teacher can give guidance on assistance available to them
During their Training, Students are expected to:
a) Read/study recommended reading.
b) Take notes throughout the Course for their own assimilation.
c) Study and put into practice Codes of Conduct applicable to their Diploma subject.
d) Learn and practise Breaths and techniques given on the Course so that they can
teach them to others as appropriate.
e) Take responsibility for themselves, their energy, their health, their progress-
both during the Course modules and in the intervening periods.
f) Book Tutorials, Refresher Courses and other relevant training appropriate to their
needs. These can be in person or via phone/skype/zoom if necessary.
Continuous Professional Development is always recommended for all students and provided by the SevaLight Retreat Centres Worldwide.
Intuitive Counsellors/Coaches are recommended to attend an Intuitive Counselling/Coaching Refresher annually (or at least every 3 years), and a Meditation Refresher and to book Supervision/Tutorials whenever they need
SevaLight Associates Worldwide Recommended Referral list
To remain on this list, Intuitive Counsellors/Coaches need to be a registered member of SevaLight Associates Worldwide, are required to have Supervision with a qualified Teacher Trainer each year. They are also required to maintain adequate insurance (where possible and appropriate) and follow the Code of Conduct for Intuitive Counsellors/Coaches.
Intuitive Counselling/Coaching
Yr.1 Module 1 Foundation Course “Intuitive Listening & Communication Skills”
Knowing yourself, loving yourself and facing your ego. How to be a truly effective listener and communicator. • Body language and expression.
Modules 2&3 Fundamentals of Counselling/Coaching
• Illness and life situations.
• How to develop and use intuition and unconditional love to help clients forward.
• How to be progressive as a Counsellor.
• Tools and techniques to empower clients.
• Setting up a practice.
Yr.2 Module 4 Specialist Training
• Relationships.
• Understanding differences between men and women.
• Heterosexual, homosexual and lesbian relationships.
• Sexual issues.
• Abuse.
• Mental conditions,
Including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, violence, breakdowns, obsessions, emotional problems, psychic disorders, stress, personality disorders, phobias.
Modules 5&6 Specialist Training
• Bereavement and loss.
• Death and dying.
• Age and ageing.
• Addiction, including drugs, alcoholism, technology, eating disorders.
• Unemployment and employment problems, redundancy.
• Business Counselling/Coaching 1:1
• Loss of identity, finding direction and purpose, spiritual growth and guidance.
Yr.3 Module 7 Assessment Module
There will be written and practical assignments throughout the Course. On completion of module 6, students are invited to apply for Assessment. Case studies and reports from Course Teachers of ongoing progress, reports of Assessment module work and interview presentation will all be considered by the Assessment Panel. In the event of a pass, a Diploma of Intuitive Counselling/Coaching will be awarded and the letters Dip ICouns or Dip ICouns (SevaLight Centres Worldwide) may then be used for professional purposes.
Students need to be aware of the high standards such a qualification demands and be prepared to embark on an intensive, exacting, thorough and rewarding course of study.
Ongoing development is recommended and provided for by Intuitive Counselling/ Coaching Refreshers, individual Supervision appointments, Tutorials and Advanced Intuitive Counselling/Coaching Courses for experienced Intuitive Counsellor/Coaches.
We see in-depth Meditation as an essential part of an Intuitive Counsellor/Coach’s training and commitment. Meditation enables Intuitive Counsellors to go to the depth that is required to be truly progressive as a Counsellor.
The SevaLight Retreat Centres are committed to providing the best possible Intuitive Counsellor/Coach training and as such are always reviewing the current state of the profession and the needs of both the clients and Intuitive Counsellor/Coaches in this changing and rapidly evolving world.
SevaLight Retreat Centre for
Self-Realization, Pure Meditation
Healing & Counselling
Waiwera, Auckland, New Zealand
09 42 2404 Mobile 0210 812 1246