Pure Meditation Course
- Mindfulness and beyond
- Opening the door to inner wisdom
This 5-day Pure Meditation Course and Retreat is the ultimate way to learn in-depth Meditation, scientific techniques and spiritual teachings to start truly living.
In this busy, fast paced world we need an in-depth meditation and teachings such as these to enable us to find inner peace, wisdom and intuition. Pure Meditation can change your life, enriching it in every way so that you can reach your full potential and be in charge of yourself and your life. At heart we would all like to be more content, more loving, more dynamic. This can be your reality, once you have the skills and knowledge.
This beautiful 5 day course and retreat is taught under the loving guidance of Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma, a true Guru and great spiritual teacher.
The meals are vegetarian, lovingly prepared and special diets are catered for. The accommodation is comfortable, the views are stunning and bush and beach walks are nearby.
On-going support is always available with yearly Pure Meditation Refreshers, Retreats, Pure Meditation Evenings and many other valuable opportunities for progress.
Numbers on this course are kept small, to ensure all get the individual attention and care they need. Please contact a course teacher at the SevaLight Retreat Centre for Self Realization, Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling, or one of the SevaLight Retreat Centres worldwide, if you wish to know more about the course, dates, or to reserve a place. Pure Meditation Courses are held regularly each year.
For Pure Meditation Course dates at Waiwera, please see the Course Programme.
Pure Meditative Peace
- Conquer stress
- Improve focus and concentration
- Find inner peace
Pure Mediative Peace helps you to be in charge of how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. It takes only a few hours to learn and a few minutes to practice each day to feel the benefits. Pure Meditative Peace is for all ages, both adults and children. It is taught to individuals, couples, families, businesses and groups of all kinds.
Pure Meditative Peace can be practiced anywhere – at home, at work, at your desk, before interviews, meetings or events, when studying or taking exams, after a hectic day, before and after picking the children up from school, for relaxation and before sleep.
Simple to learn, easy to incorporate into your life, it is ideal for this busy world in which we live.
This is also the foundation course for the 5-day Pure Meditation Course and Retreat.
Pure Meditation Evenings
All are warmly welcome to open Pure Meditation Evenings on Sundays 7.00pm at the SevaLight Retreat Centre for Self Realization, Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling in Waiwera. Please phone 09 421 1404 or 0210 812 1246 to confirm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to Meditate and imbibe the peace with other like-minded souls. The evenings begin with gentle exercises in preparation for Meditation, listening to an inspiring spiritual talk by Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji, followed by Meditation together and Winged Prayer at 9.00pm. A truly beautiful way to start your week.